Friday, October 28, 2005

Christian Publications

Our Tamil Books:

1. Women in Genesis
2. Heroines in the Bible
3. Ruth
4. Virtuous Woman
5. Believer's Home
6. Gift to the Couple
7. The Rain and the Snow
8. Scriptural Names and their Meanings
9. My Love Why Cry?
10.Christian Stewardship
11.Pentecostal Experience
12.The Twelve Disciples I
13.The Twelve Disciples II
14. Tongues is a Gift; But...
15. Baptism
16.The Trinity
17.Fruit of the Spirit
18.Doctrinal Clarifications
19.The Second Coming of Jesus
20.Abraham, an Unbeliever
21.Edifying Illustrations
22.Inspiring Illustrations
23.Ten Messages
25.Every Day with the Lord
26.How to find God's will?
27.Invest in the Best
28.Honourable Wife
31.Barnabas, the Levite
32.Taste and see
33.Assurance of Salvation
34.The family Jesus Likes
35.Festival Songs
36.Good Friday Order of Worship
37.Songs for Prayer Meetings
38.Words from the Cross
39.Imitation of Christ
40.Beware of False Prophets
41.My Love Why Cry?
42.Tamil Bible Commentary Vol.1
43.A Commentary on Job
44.BBH Commentary vols 1-5

Our English Books:

1. Sinners and Winners
2. You have Eternal Life
3. Joshua
4. Scriptural Names and their Meanings
5. The Rain and the Snow
6. Wait till Your Wedding
7. Foundations for Faith
8. Outlines and Overviews
9. Wit and Wisdom
10. Arresting Anecdotes
11.Christian Giving
12.Guard your Heart
13.Winsome Wedding
14.Jesus in the Desert

  • Each book costs $ 5 only
  • Postage extra.
  • 20% discount on bulk order of minimum 50copies of each title.
  • Send your Demand Draft in terms of IndianRupees to our address.